Cycling in the Wind
Yesterday I discovered an extreme form of resistance training - cycling into a very strong head wind for 15km! After my speedy ride into work (36mins) it then took me 50 minutes to get home! I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it, I was virtually going backwards at some points the wind was so strong. Definately not my idea of fun.
Back to the pool at lunchtime today, hopefully it will be a little easier than it was on Monday. Then this afternoon it's interval speed running - ugh.
Surprisingly, given my exertions yesterday, I don't have any sore muscles today, although something in my ankle is niggling a bit but not seriously. I popped into the chemist to pick up some cataflam/voltarin yesterday and was surprised that the guy asked me what I was taking them for - I was a little flustered and didn't like to say that I always like to keep some handy for when I've overdone it at the gym or just because at my age it's frequently needed for one thing or another. I mumbled something about a strained tendon while trying not to look to suspicious and he handed it over. Honestly it's only voltarin, the stuff they sell in the UK is more than double the strength (ahh diclofenac how I miss you!) and much easier to buy.
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