Nearly There
Well I'm heading into the final countdown to 'D' day now. Lunchtime rev class today. It was a very hilly class rather than speed, but that's ok as it all goes to help with keeping those legs moving when I actually get onto the real bike. Not quite sure what to do tomorrow (my last official training day). I'm due to do some weights, but I should really do a road run as all my running has been treadmill stuff lately (or on a hockey pitch!) and I wouldn't mind getting out on the bike either .....
Guess I'll have to wait and see what the weather is doing in the morning, if it's decent I guess I can do a short road run and some weights - or maybe a cycle and some weights... ooooh I'm so unsure which I need to do more - maybe I'll jump on the bike when I get home this evening and then I will at least feel like I've had a final go before Sunday - mind you my legs are very tired after rev. so maybe it would be better to rest - hang on, will consult my online training guide from the duathlon people and see what they recommend for race week....
Ok so according to the guide I should be doing a 30 min gentleish cycle tomorrow and then a 25 min jog (guess that translates to an easy paced run) on Thurs then 2 days off, so I'll go with the experts! (Not that the rest of their training schedule bears much relation to anything I've been doing!!)
I'm SOOOO PROUD OF YOU! You are doing so fabulously! I seriously admire your dedication to this - i would have given up after two seconds! You are going to do awesomly at your duathalon, and no matter what place you come you should be proud of yourself for achieving this major goal! I will be waving my Evadne banner on the day off my deck :D xx
haaaaang on! It's tomorrow isn't it? :O I think i messed up my dates! GOOD LUCK! Your are gonna rock the socks of everyone! :D lots of xxxxxx's and big hugzzzz for yew! Do yourself proud! :D
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